Up to 30 publications from the TROPA UCM group have been cited in the last AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis - IPCC report. Belén Rodríguez-Fonseca acted as contributing author in Chapter 2: Changing state of the climate system.

TROPA UCM group organizes and participates in various educational activities for disclosure of climate, ocean and atmosphere sciences, especially for school and high school students:

  1. Coordination and development of the Virtual Laboratory on Meteorology and Climate Meteolab.
  2. Development of the "OSCAR" Catalog of Lecture Demonstrations for the teaching and popularization of Physics.
  3. Participation and/or organization in performing scientific experiments during the annual event Madrid Science Week since 2003, at the Faculty of Physics at UCM.
  4. Participation in the vindication journey from La Complu en la Calle in Madrid organizing a public outdoor course on Climate and Oceanography. (November 28, 2012).
  5. Participation in the vindication journey from La Uni en la Calle in Madrid by performing outdoor and open access experiments on atmosphere and ocean. (March 9, 2013).
  6. Organization of the Feeling the Atmosphere and the Ocean workshop on scientific experiments for kids at the Museum of Science and Technology of Madrid, Spain. (January 25, 2014).
  7. Organization and performing atmosphere and ocean experiments at schools:
    - Public School República de Venezuela, Madrid, Spain. (May 18, 2012 and May 29, 2014).
    - Public School Asunción Rincón, Madrid, Spain. (June 17, 2014).
    - Public School La Biznaga, Málaga, Spain. (May 16, 2014).
  8. Organization of "home made experiments for the understanding of Meteorology" in Casa Encendida: february to april 2016 http://www.lacasaencendida.es/es/cursos/experimentos-caseros-para-entender-la-atmosfera-y-oceano-febrero-5073

The TROPA UCM members have also participated in the media for disclosing the atmosphere/ocean sciences:

  1. Interiew for International Woman's Day in TeleMadrid (March, 2022)
  2. Interview for the digital newspaper Público.es (October 17, 2014)
  3. Radio show Españoles en la mar , RNE. (January 29, 2014).
  4. Interview for the digital magazine EFEfuturo.com. (January 25, 2014).
  5. Radio show Hora 25 , Cadena SER. (May 23, 2013).
  6. Revista Tribuna
  7. Revista Redescubre
  8. Antena 3 Noticias http://www.antena3.com/noticias/mundo/fenomeno-meteorologico-nino-amenaza-vida-mas-millones-ninos-africa_2015111100038.html
  9. El Diario http://www.eldiario.es/sociedad/cambio_climatico-El_Nino-clima_0_473853425.html