Víctor Galván Fraile

Víctor Galván Fraile

Predoctoral Researcher


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e-mail: vgalva01@ucm.es

Academic background

Masters degree in Geophysics and Meteorology (University Complutense of Madrid)

Degree in Physics (University of La Laguna)

Academic & Research grants awarded

Collaboration Grant from the Spanish Ministry of Eduaction and Sciences. Department of Applied Physics. University of La Laguna. 2021-2022.

JAE-Intro collaboration grant from the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). Institute of Geosciences (IGEO). 2023.

Current professional status

Predoctoral Researcher

Research interests

Atmospheric and climate modelling

Global climate teleconnections

Machine and Deep Learning

PhD Supervisors

Dr. María Belén Rodríguez de Fonseca (UCM, IGEO)

Dr. Marta Martín del Rey (UCM, IGEO)

Dr. Irene Polo Sánchez (UCM)